If you’ve ever got any questions with regards to your web hosting account or if you face a problem with your sites, you will need to get in touch with the hosting provider’s technical support team. It may not make any difference how swiftly they’ll respond if you have an inquiry of a generic nature, but a problem such as a botched software app update, for example, may result in your website becoming damaged or inaccessible on the web. And the longer you have to wait for the support team to help you, the longer the website will be out of order. If you offer goods or services online, any outage will influence your website in a negative way and you can lose current or potential customers. Lots of hosting providers, chiefly resellers, answer e-mails and tickets within 24 hours, but in the online sphere that is much too long, as customers will scarcely ever revisit a site that’s not functioning properly for lengthy periods of time.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Website Hosting
Our Linux website hosting packages come with a 1-hour response guarantee, which means that regardless of what enquiry or difficulty you may have, we’ll always be there to lend you a hand. As it is, it seldom takes more than 30 minutes to get an issue sorted out or a question answered, and this is valid for both technical and pre-sales matters. Our technical support team members will be at your disposal 24x7, even on legal holidays and weekends, which implies that you will obtain quick assistance at any time. We know how expensive time can be, so by the time we respond to your e-mail or trouble ticket, we’ll have examined the matter and, in case we haven’t resolved it, we will provide you with more information about what you have to do on your end, if the circumstances require this. With our support service, you can be sure that there will be someone to lend you a hand immediately, irrespective of the hour.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our customer support staff reps will be at your disposal all the time and they will answer any support ticket that you open through the hosting Control Panel within no more than one hour. The response time is guaranteed irrespective of whether you have a generic question regarding your semi-dedicated server or you encounter an obstacle and you won’t have to wait even that long for most issues. Irrespective of what the essence of the issue is or what time it is, we’ll be there to assist you, as we’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to address any billing, technical or general issue. If you contact us about anything that is within our power, we’ll sort it out before we respond to you, which suggests that you won’t have to wait for hours or days while the problem lingers. In case there’s something that you need to do on your end, we will give you the needed info – what possible solutions to try, what steps to take, etc.